

Grist Milling & Bakery
City: Missoula , MT,
About Us
A bakery and flour mill located in the back of Black Coffee Roasting. We stone mill organic Montana grain, produce wholegrain sourdough breads, and offer a selection of fine pastry. Grist is a small-scale bakery, focused on super fresh whole grain, organic sourdough bread.
Grist’s bread-making process starts with the grain. It’s grown just hours from the bakery, in north-central Montana’s Golden Triangle region. The bakery uses a mill made in Vermont. It’s a simple machine. Two large discs of stone are stacked on top of each other, nearly touching. The grist is ground into flour between the two stones. Seconds later it emerges from the mill as finely ground flour. The entire wheat grain becomes flour, so it retains all of its innate nutrition. This is tomorrow's especially nutritious bread.